1 not right
2 Not right off hand
Разговорное выражение: Не могу вот так сразу вспомнить ("Anyone seen Josh?" asked Randall. "Not right off hand," said Clara.) -
3 not right in the head
нe в cвoём, умeI stayed at Aunt Alice's. She's not exactly right in the head, but she's awfully sweet (D. Hammeth) -
4 not right in the head
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > not right in the head
5 not right in the head
Макаров: безумный, ненормальный -
6 not right upstairs
Сленг: не все в порядке с головой -
7 not right in the head
не в своем умеАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > not right in the head
8 not right
krivo -
9 Not right now, thanks!
амер. Не сейчас! Возможно, позже!Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Not right now, thanks!
10 not right in the head
разг. не в своём уме -
11 not right
adj.no correcto, improcedente. -
12 not right
(adj) maŋ ñaŋ. -
13 I am not right
I am not righta) não estou bem, não estou disposto. b) não tenho razão. -
14 be not right in one's head
быть не в своём уме, рехнуться...Mabel's husband's father... was what is called "not quite right in the head". (A. Christie, ‘The Thirteen Problems’, ch. 6) —...у свекра Мейбл... как говорится, "не все дома"
He isn't to be trusted any more, Paul. He isn't right in his head... (K. Vonnegut, ‘Planer Piano’, ch. XII) — Эду Финнерти доверять нельзя, Пол. Он не в своем уме.
Large English-Russian phrasebook > be not right in one's head
15 it is not right to tell lies
Макаров: лгать нехорошоУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > it is not right to tell lies
16 right
right [raɪt]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. adjective2. adverb3. noun4. plural noun6. compounds━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. adjective• it is only right to point out that... il faut néanmoins signaler que...b. ( = accurate) juste, exact• that can't be right! ce n'est pas possible !• is the clock right? est-ce que la pendule est à l'heure ?► to be right [person] avoir raison• to get one's facts right ne pas se tromper► to put right [+ error, person] corriger ; [+ situation] redresser ; [+ sth broken] réparerd. ( = best) meilleur• what's the right thing to do? quelle est la meilleure chose à faire ?e. ( = necessary) I haven't got the right papers with me je n'ai pas les bons documents sur moif. ( = proper) to do sth the right way faire qch comme il faut• if you go hiking you must wear the right shoes lorsque l'on fait de la randonnée, il faut porter des chaussures adaptéesg. ( = in proper state) her ankle is still not right sa cheville n'est pas encore guériei. (agreeing) right!• right you are! (inf) d'accord !• right, who's next? bon, c'est à qui le tour ?• (oh) right! (inf) ( = I see) ah, d'accord !• too right! et comment !it was him right enough! c'était bien lui, aucun doute là-dessus !j. ( = opposite of left) droit• it's a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand's doing il y a un manque total de communication et de coordination2. adverba. ( = directly) droit► right away ( = immediately) tout de suiteb. ( = exactly) right then sur-le-champc. ( = completely) toutd. ( = correctly, well) biene. ( = opposite of left) à droite► right, left and centre (inf) ( = everywhere) de tous côtés3. nouna. ( = moral) bien mb. ( = entitlement) droit m• what right have you to say that? de quel droit dites-vous cela ?c. ( = opposite of left) droite f• on or to the right of the church à droite de l'église4. plural noun• "all rights reserved" « tous droits réservés »b. to put or set sth to rights mettre qch en ordrea. ( = return to normal) [+ car, ship] redresserb. ( = make amends for) [+ wrong] redresser ; [+ injustice] réparer6. compounds• the right-hand side le côté droit ► right-handed adjective [person] droitier ; [punch, throw] du droit* * *[raɪt] 1.1) (side, direction) droite fkeep to the right — Automobile tenez votre droite
on ou to your right — à votre droite
3) ( morally) bien m4) ( just claim) droit mthe right to work/to strike — le droit au travail/de grève
the gardens are worth a visit in their own right — à eux seuls, les jardins méritent la visite
5) ( in boxing) droite f2.rights plural noun1) Commerce, Law droits mplsole rights — l'exclusivité f des droits
2) ( moral)3.the rights and wrongs of a matter — les aspects mpl moraux d'une question
1) ( as opposed to left) droit, de droiteon my right hand — ( position) sur ma droite
2) ( morally correct) bien; ( fair) juste3) (correct, true) [choice, direction, size] bon/bonne; [word] juste; ( accurate) [time] exactto be right — [person] avoir raison; [answer] être juste
is that right? — ( asking) est-ce que c'est vrai?; ( double-checking) c'est ça?
am I right in thinking that...? — ai-je raison de penser que...?
the right side of a piece of material — l'endroit m d'un tissu
4) ( most suitable) qui convienthe was careful to say all the right things — il a pris grand soin de dire tout ce qu'il faut dire dans ce genre de situation
5) ( in good order) [machine, vehicle] en bon état, qui fonctionne bien; ( healthy) [person] bien portant6) ( in order)to put ou set right — corriger [mistake]; réparer [injustice]; arranger [situation]; réparer [machine]
to put ou set one's watch right — remettre sa montre à l'heure
they gave him a month to put ou set things right — ils lui ont donné un mois pour tout arranger
to put ou set somebody right — détromper quelqu'un
7) Mathematics [angle] droitat right angles to — à angle droit avec, perpendiculaire à
8) (colloq) GB ( emphatic)9) (colloq) GB ( ready) prêt4.1) ( of direction) à droiteto turn/look right — tourner/regarder à droite
they looked for him right, left and centre — (colloq) ils l'ont cherché partout
they are arresting people right, left and centre — (colloq) ils arrêtent les gens en masse
2) ( directly) droit, directementit's right in front of you — c'est droit or juste devant toi
right before/after — juste avant/après
3) ( exactly)right in the middle of the room — en plein milieu or au beau milieu de la pièce
right now — ( immediately) tout de suite; US ( at this point in time) en ce moment
4) ( correctly) juste, comme il faut5) ( completely) toutshe looked right through me — fig elle a fait semblant de ne pas me voir
6) GB ( in titles)the Right Honourable Gentleman — ( form of address in parliament) ≈ notre distingué collègue
7) ( very well) bon5.right, let's have a look — bon, voyons ça
transitive verb1) ( restore to upright position) redresser2) ( correct) réparer6.to right oneself — [person] se redresser
to right itself — [ship, situation] se rétablir
••to see somebody (colloq) right — ( financially) dépanner (colloq) quelqu'un; ( in other ways) sortir quelqu'un d'affaire
right you are! — (colloq)
right-oh! — (colloq) GB d'accord!
right enough — (colloq) effectivement
by rights — normalement, en principe
17 right
A n1 (side, direction) droite f ; keep to the right Aut tenez votre droite ; on ou to your right is the town hall à votre droite se trouve la mairie ; he doesn't know his left from his right il ne sait pas distinguer sa droite de sa gauche ; take the second right after Richmond Road prenez la deuxième à droite après Richmond Road ;2 Pol ( also Right) the right la droite ; they are further to the right than the Conservatives ils sont plus à droite que les conservateurs ;3 ( morally) bien m ; right and wrong le bien et le mal ; he doesn't know right from wrong il ne sait pas distinguer le bien du mal ; to be in the right avoir raison ;4 ( just claim) droit m ; to have a right to sth avoir droit à qch ; to have a ou the right to do avoir le droit de faire ; the right to work/to strike le droit au travail/de grève ; she has no right to treat you like that elle n'a pas le droit de te traiter comme ça ; he may be the boss, but that doesn't give him the right to treat you like that c'est peut-être lui le patron, mais ça ne lui donne pas le droit de te traiter comme ça ; what right have you to criticize me like that? de quel droit est-ce que vous me critiquez comme ça? ; I've got every right to be annoyed j'ai toutes les raisons d'être agacé ; you have every right to do so c'est tout à fait ton droit ; to know one's rights connaître ses droits ; one's rights as a consumer ses droits de consommateur ; human rights droits de l'homme ; civil rights droits civils ; to be within one's rights être dans son droit ; you would be quite within your rights to refuse tu serais tout à fait dans ton droit de refuser ; the property belongs to him as of right la propriété lui revient de plein droit ; her husband is a celebrity in his own right son mari est une célébrité à part entière ; the gardens are worth a visit in their own right à eux seuls, les jardins méritent la visite ; she is a countess in her own right elle est comtesse de par sa naissance ;5 ( in boxing) droite f ; he hit him a right to the jaw il lui a porté une droite or un direct du droit à la mâchoire.1 Comm, Jur droits mpl ; the translation/film rights of a book les droits de traduction/d'adaptation cinématographique d'un livre ; mining rights, mineral rights droits miniers ; to have the sole rights to sth avoir l'exclusivité des droits de qch ;2 ( moral) the rights and wrongs of a matter les aspects mpl moraux d'une question ; the rights and wrongs of capital punishment les arguments mpl pour et contre la peine de mort.C adj1 ( as opposed to left) droit, de droite ; one's right eye/arm son œil/bras droit ; on my right hand ( position) sur ma droite ; ‘eyes right!’ Mil ‘tête droite!’ ;2 ( morally correct) bien ; (fair, just) juste ; it's not right to steal ce n'est pas bien de voler ; you were quite right to criticize him tu as eu tout à fait raison de le critiquer ; it's only right that she should know c'est normal qu'elle soit mise au courant ; I thought it right to tell him j'ai jugé bon de lui dire ; it is right and proper that they should be punished ce n' est que justice qu'ils soient punis ; to do the right thing faire ce qu'il faut ; I hope we're doing the right thing j'espère que nous ne faisons pas une erreur ; you know you're doing the right thing tu sais que c'est la meilleure chose à faire ; to do the right thing by sb faire son devoir envers qn ;3 (correct, true) [choice, conditions, decision, direction, road etc] bon/bonne ; [word] juste ; ( accurate) [time] exact ; to be right [person] avoir raison ; [answer] être juste ; I was right to distrust him j'avais raison de me méfier de lui ; you were right about her, she's a real gossip tu avais raison à son sujet, c'est une vraie commère ; you're quite right! tu as tout à fait raison! ; that's the right answer c'est la bonne réponse ; she got all the answers right elle a répondu juste à toutes les questions ; that 's right c'est ça ; that's right, call me a liar! iron c'est ça, traite-moi de menteur! ; that can't be right ça ne peut pas être ça ; what's the right time? quelle est l'heure exacte? ; it's not the right time to go away on holiday GB ou vacation US ce n'est pas le bon moment pour partir en vacances ; I hear you're going away on holiday GB ou vacation US, is that right? on m'a dit que tu partais en vacances, est-ce que c'est vrai? ; so you're a student, is that right? alors tu es étudiant, c'est ça? ; am I right in thinking that…? ai-je raison de penser que…? ; I think I am right in saying that je pense ne pas me tromper en disant que ; is this the right train for Dublin? c'est bien le train pour Dublin? ; is this the right way to the station? est-ce que c'est la bonne direction pour aller à la gare? ; to do sth the right way faire qch comme il faut ; the right side of a piece of material l'endroit d'un tissu ; make sure it's facing the right side ou way up fais bien attention à ce qu'il soit à l'endroit ; to get one's facts right être sûr de ce qu'on avance ; you've got the spelling right l'orthographe est bonne ; I can't think of the right word for it je n'arrive pas à trouver le mot juste ; they've been rehearsing that scene for weeks and they still haven't got it right ils répètent cette scène depuis des semaines et elle n'est toujours pas au point ; let's hope he gets it right this time espérons qu'il y arrivera cette fois-ci ; it's not the right size ce n'est pas la bonne taille ; it wouldn't look right if we didn't attend ça serait mal vu si on n'y assistait pas ; how right you are! comme vous avez raison! ; time proved him right le temps lui a donné raison ;4 ( most suitable) qui convient ; those aren't the right clothes for gardening ce ne sont pas des vêtements qui conviennent au jardinage ; you need to have the right equipment il te faut le matériel approprié ; when the time is right quand le moment sera venu ; you need to choose the model that's right for you il faut que vous choisissiez le modèle qui vous convient ; I'm sure she's the right person for the job je suis sûr que c'est la personne qu'il faut pour le poste ; to be in the right place at the right time être là où il faut au bon moment ; to know the right people connaître des gens bien placés ; he was careful to say all the right things il a pris grand soin de dire tout ce qu'il faut dire dans ce genre de situation ; just the right combination of humour and pathos juste le bon équilibre entre l'humour et le pathétique ;5 ( in good order) [machine, vehicle] en bon état, qui fonctionne bien ; ( healthy) [person] bien portant ; I don't feel quite right these days je ne me sens pas très bien ces jours-ci ; a drink will set you right un verre te fera du bien ; the engine isn't quite right le moteur ne fonctionne pas très bien ; there's something not quite right about him il a quelque chose de bizarre ; I sensed that things were not quite right j'ai senti qu'il y avait quelque chose qui n'allait pas ; things are coming right at last les choses commencent enfin à s'arranger ;6 ( in order) to put ou set right corriger [mistake] ; réparer [injustice] ; arranger [situation] ; réparer [machine, engine etc] ; to put ou set one's watch right remettre sa montre à l'heure ; they gave him a month to put ou set things right ils lui ont donné un mois pour arranger les choses ; to put ou set sb right détromper qn ; I soon put her right je l'ai vite détrompée ; this medicine should put ou set you right ce médicament devrait vous remettre sur pied ;8 ○ GB ( emphatic) he's a right idiot! c'est un idiot fini! ; it's a right mess c'est un vrai gâchis ;D adv1 ( of direction) à droite ; to turn right tourner à droite ; she looked neither right nor left elle n'a regardé ni à droite ni à gauche ; they looked for him right, left and centre ○ ils l'ont cherché partout ; they are arresting/killing people right, left and centre ○ ils arrêtent/tuent les gens en masse ;2 (directly, straight) droit, directement ; it's right in front of you c'est droit or juste devant toi ; I'll be right back je reviens tout de suite ; go right home rentrez directement ; the path goes right down to the river le chemin conduit tout droit à la rivière ; right before juste avant ; right after dinner/Christmas juste après le dîner/Noël ; the train goes right through to Nice le train va directement à Nice ; he walked right up to her il a marché droit vers elle ;3 ( exactly) right in the middle of the room en plein milieu or au beau milieu de la pièce ; he interrupted them right in the middle of their dinner il les a interrompus en plein milieu or au beau milieu de leur dîner ; right now ( immediately) tout de suite ; ( at this point in time) en ce moment ; I'm staying right here je ne bougerai pas d'ici ; your book's right there by the window ton livre est juste là à côté de la fenêtre ; he sat down right beside me il s'est assis juste à côté de moi ; the bullet hit him right in the forehead la balle l'a touché en plein front ; they live right on the river ils habitent juste au bord de la rivière ; the house gives right onto the street la maison donne directement sur la rue ;4 ( correctly) juste, comme il faut ; you're not doing it right tu ne fais pas ça comme il faut ; you did right not to speak to her tu as bien fait de ne pas lui parler ; I guessed right j'ai deviné juste ; if I remember right si je me souviens bien ; nothing seems to be going right for me rien ne va dans ma vie ; did I hear you right? est-ce que je t'ai bien entendu? ;5 ( completely) tout ; a wall goes right around the garden il y a un mur tout autour du jardin ; go right to the end of the street allez tout au bout de la rue ; if you go right back to the beginning si vous revenez tout au début ; right at the bottom tout au fond ; to turn right around faire demi-tour ; her room is right at the top of the house sa chambre est tout en haut de la maison ; to read a book right through lire un livre jusqu'au bout ; the noise echoed right through the building le bruit a retenti dans tout l'immeuble ; she looked right through me fig elle a fait semblant de ne pas me voir ; to turn the radio/the central heating right up mettre la radio/le chauffage central à fond ; right up until the 1950s jusque dans les années 50 ; the door handle came right off in my hand la poignée m'est restée dans les mains ; the roof of the house was blown right off by the explosion le toit de la maison a été emporté dans l'explosion ; we're right behind you! nous vous soutenons totalement! ;6 ⇒ Forms of address GB ( in titles) the Right Honourable Jasper Pinkerton le très honorable Jasper Pinkerton ; the Right Honourable Gentleman ( form of address in parliament) ≈ notre distingué collègue ; the Right Reverend Felix Bush le très Révérend Felix Bush ;7 †ou GB dial ( emphatic) très ; he knew right well what was happening il savait très bien ce qui se passait ; a right royal reception une réception somptueuse ;8 ( very well) bon ; right, let's have a look bon, voyons ça.E vtr1 ( restore to upright position) redresser [vehicle, ship] ;F v refl to right oneself [person] se redresser ; to right itself [ship, plane] se rétablir ; [situation] se rétablir.to see sb right ( financially) dépanner ○ qn ; ( in other ways) sortir qn d'affaire ; here's £10, that should see you right voici 10 livres, ça devrait te dépanner ○ ; right you are ○ !, right-oh ○ ! GB d'accord!, d'ac ○ ! ; right enough ○ effectivement ; he's right up there! il est parmi les meilleurs! ; by rights normalement, en principe ; by rights it should belong to me normalement or en principe, ça devrait m'appartenir ; to put ou set sth to rights arranger qch. -
18 right
right [raɪt]droite ⇒ 1 (a)-(c) droit ⇒ 1 (d), 2 (a), 2 (b), 3 (a), 3 (i) bien ⇒ 1 (e), 3 (e)-(h), 7 (b), 7 (c), 7 (h) bon ⇒ 3 (b), 3 (c) juste ⇒ 3 (b), 3 (d), 7 (b), 7 (e) vrai ⇒ 3 (j) redresser ⇒ 4 (a), 4 (b) se redresser ⇒ 5 à droite ⇒ 7 (a) tout de suite ⇒ 7 (g)1 noun(a) (in directions) droite f;∎ look to the or your right regardez à droite ou sur votre droite;∎ keep to the or your right restez à droite;∎ take a right tournez à droite;∎ he was seated on your right il était assis à ta droite;∎ from right to left de droite à gauche∎ the right la droite;∎ the right is or are divided la droite est divisée;∎ to be to or on the right être à droite;∎ he's to the right of the party leadership il est plus à droite que les dirigeants du parti(c) (in boxing) droite f;∎ with a right to the jaw d'une droite à la mâchoire(d) (entitlement) droit m;∎ to have a right to sth avoir droit à qch;∎ she has a right to half the profits elle a droit à la moitié des bénéfices;∎ to have a or the right to do sth avoir le droit de faire qch;∎ you've no right to talk to me like that! tu n'as pas le droit de me parler ainsi!;∎ you have every right to be angry tu as toutes les raisons d'être en colère;∎ by what right? de quel droit?;∎ what right have you to do that? de quel droit faites-vous cela?;∎ right of abode droit m de séjour;∎ right of asylum droit m d'asile;∎ the right to vote/to know le droit de vote/de savoir;∎ the right to life le droit à la vie;∎ right of reply droit m de réponse ou de rectification;∎ he's American by right of birth il est américain de naissance;∎ as of right de (plein) droit;∎ I know my rights je connais mes droits;∎ the rights of man les droits mpl de l'homme;∎ you'd be within your rights to demand a refund vous seriez dans votre (bon) droit si vous réclamiez un remboursement;∎ she's rich in her own right elle a une grande fortune personnelle;∎ he became a leader in his own right il est devenu leader par son seul talent(e) (what is good, moral) bien m;∎ to know right from wrong faire la différence entre le bien et le mal;∎ to be in the right être dans le vrai, avoir raison;∎ he put himself in the right by apologizing il s'est racheté en s'excusant∎ rights droits mpl;∎ mineral rights droits mpl miniers;∎ film/distribution rights droits mpl d'adaptation cinématographique/de distribution;∎ to hold the translation rights to a book détenir les droits de traduction d'un livre;∎ all rights reserved tous droits réservés∎ (application or subscription) rights droits mpl de souscription∎ to put or to set to rights (room) mettre en ordre; (firm, country) redresser; (situation) arranger;∎ I'll soon have this kitchen set to rights j'aurai vite fait de remettre de l'ordre dans la cuisine;∎ to put or to set the world to rights refaire le monde(a) (indicating location, direction) droit;∎ raise your right hand levez la main droite;∎ he's my right hand c'est mon bras droit;∎ the right side of the stage le côté droit de ou la droite de la scène;∎ take the next right turn prenez la prochaine à droite;∎ would you like to try the right shoe? (in shop) vous voulez essayer le pied droit?∎ the weather forecasts are never right les prévisions météo ne sont jamais exactes;∎ he didn't give me the right change il ne m'a pas rendu la monnaie exacte;∎ have you got the right change? avez-vous le compte exact?;∎ is this the right house? est-ce la bonne maison?, est-ce bien la maison?;∎ the station clock is right l'horloge de la gare est juste ou à l'heure;∎ have you got the right time? est-ce que vous avez l'heure (exacte)?;∎ that can't be right ça ne peut pas être ça, ça ne peut pas être juste;∎ the sentence doesn't sound/look quite right la phrase sonne/a l'air un peu bizarre;∎ there's something not quite right in what he says il y a quelque chose qui cloche dans ce qu'il dit;∎ to be right (person) avoir raison;∎ you're quite right! vous avez bien raison!;∎ the customer is always right le client a toujours raison;∎ you were right about the bus schedules/about him/about what she would say vous aviez raison au sujet des horaires de bus/à son sujet/sur ce qu'elle dirait;∎ I was right in thinking he was an actor j'avais raison de penser que c'était un acteur;∎ am I right in thinking you're German? vous êtes bien allemand, ou est-ce que je me trompe?;∎ you're the eldest, am I right or is that right? c'est (bien) toi l'aîné, ou est-ce que je me trompe?;∎ I owe you $5, right? je te dois 5 dollars, c'est (bien) ça?;∎ and I'm telling you you still owe me £10, right! et moi je te dis que tu me dois encore 10 livres, vu?;∎ he's sick today, right? il est malade aujourd'hui, non?;∎ that's right c'est juste, oui;∎ he got the pronunciation/spelling right il l'a bien prononcé/épelé;∎ she got the answer right elle a donné la bonne réponse;∎ I never get those quadratic equations right je me trompe toujours avec ces équations quadratiques;∎ he got the time right but the date wrong il ne s'est pas trompé d'heure mais de date;∎ make sure you get your figures/her name right faites attention de ne pas vous tromper dans vos calculs/sur son nom;∎ place the document right side down/up placez le document face en bas/vers le haut;∎ the right side of the material l'endroit m du tissu;∎ turn the socks right side in/out mettez les chaussettes à l'envers/à l'endroit;∎ he's on the right side of forty il n'a pas encore quarante ans;∎ to get on the right side of sb s'insinuer dans les bonnes grâces de qn;∎ to keep on the right side of the law respecter la loi;∎ you're not doing it the right way! ce n'est pas comme ça qu'il faut faire ou s'y prendre!;∎ there's no one right way to go about it il n'y a pas qu'une façon de s'y prendre;∎ that's the right way to approach the problem c'est comme ça qu'il faut aborder la question;∎ get your facts right! vérifiez vos renseignements!;∎ he got it right this time il ne s'est pas trompé cette fois-ci;∎ let's get this right mettons les choses au clair;∎ time proved her right le temps lui a donné raison;∎ how right you are! vous avez cent fois raison!;∎ to put sb right (about sb/sth) détromper qn (au sujet de qn/qch);∎ he thought he could get away with it, but I soon put him right il croyait qu'il pourrait s'en tirer comme ça mais je l'ai vite détrompé;∎ to put or to set right (fallen or squint object) redresser, remettre d'aplomb; (clock) remettre à l'heure; (machine, mechanism) réparer; (text, mistake, record) corriger; (oversight, injustice) réparer;∎ to put things or matters right (politically, financially etc) redresser ou rétablir la situation; (in relationships) arranger les choses;∎ he made a mess of it and I had to put things right il a raté son coup et j'ai dû réparer les dégâts∎ I think it's the right strategy je crois que c'est la bonne stratégie;∎ when the time is right au bon moment, au moment voulu;∎ you'll know when the time is right tu sauras quand ce sera le bon moment;∎ to be in the right place at the right time être là où il faut quand il faut;∎ I can't find the right word je ne trouve pas le mot juste;∎ are we going in the right direction? est-ce que nous allons dans le bon sens?;∎ we're on the right road nous sommes sur le bon chemin ou la bonne route;∎ if the price is right si le prix est intéressant;∎ the colour is just right la couleur est parfaite;∎ the magazine has just the right mix of news and commentary la revue a juste ce qu'il faut d'informations et de commentaires;∎ she's the right woman for the job c'est la femme qu'il faut pour ce travail;∎ the right holiday for your budget les vacances qui conviennent le mieux à votre budget;∎ the frame is right for the picture le cadre convient tout à fait au tableau;∎ her hairdo isn't right for her sa coiffure ne lui va pas;∎ teaching isn't right for you l'enseignement n'est pas ce qu'il vous faut;∎ she's the right person to talk to c'est à elle qu'il faut s'adresser;∎ is this the right sort of outfit to wear? est-ce la bonne tenue?;∎ it wasn't the right thing to say ce n'était pas la chose à dire;∎ you've done the right thing to tell us about it vous avez bien fait de nous en parler;∎ he did the right thing, but for the wrong reasons il a fait le bon choix mais pour de mauvaises raisons∎ it's not right to separate the children ce n'est pas bien de séparer les enfants;∎ I don't think capital punishment is right je ne crois pas que la peine de mort soit juste;∎ it is only right and proper for the father to be present il est tout à fait naturel que le père soit présent;∎ do you think it's right for them to sell arms? est-ce que vous croyez qu'ils ont raison de vendre des armes?;∎ I can't accept the money, it wouldn't look right je ne peux pas accepter cet argent, ça ferait mauvais effet;∎ I thought it right to ask you first j'ai cru bon de vous demander d'abord;∎ I don't feel right leaving you alone ça me gêne de te laisser tout seul;∎ it's only right that you should know il est juste que vous le sachiez;∎ I only want to do what is right je ne cherche qu'à bien faire;∎ to do the right thing (by sb) bien agir (avec qn);∎ British old-fashioned I hope he's going to do the right thing by you (marry you) j'espère qu'il va agir honorablement à ton égard (et demander ta main)∎ I don't feel right je ne me sens pas très bien, je ne suis pas dans mon assiette;∎ my knee doesn't feel right j'ai quelque chose au genou;∎ a rest will put or set you right again un peu de repos te remettra;∎ nobody in their right mind would refuse such an offer! aucune personne sensée ne refuserait une telle offre!;∎ familiar he's not quite right in the head ça ne va pas très bien dans sa tête∎ the window is still not right la fenêtre ne marche pas bien encore;∎ there's something not quite right with the motor le moteur ne marche pas très bien(g) (satisfactory) bien (inv);∎ things aren't right between them ça ne va pas très bien entre eux;∎ does the hat look right to you? le chapeau, ça va?;∎ I can't get this hem right je n'arrive pas à faire un bel ourlet;∎ familiar to come right s'arranger□(h) (indicating social status) bien (inv), comme il faut;∎ she took care to be seen in all the right places elle a fait en sorte d'être vue partout où il fallait;∎ you'll only meet her if you move in the right circles vous ne la rencontrerez que si vous fréquentez le beau monde;∎ to know the right people connaître des gens bien placés;∎ he went to the right school and belonged to the right clubs il a fréquenté une très bonne école et a appartenu aux meilleurs clubs∎ I felt like a right idiot je me sentais vraiment bête□ ;∎ the government made a right mess of it le gouvernement a fait un beau gâchis;∎ there was a right one in here this morning! on a eu un vrai cinglé ce matin!∎ a right guy un chic type(a) (set upright again → chair, ship) redresser;∎ the crane righted the derailed carriage la grue a redressé le wagon qui avait déraillé;∎ the raft will right itself le radeau se redressera (tout seul)(b) (redress → situation) redresser, rétablir; (→ damage, injustice) réparer; (→ mistake) corriger, rectifier;∎ to right a wrong redresser un tort;∎ to right the balance rétablir l'équilibre;∎ the problem won't just right itself ce problème ne va pas se résoudre de lui-même ou s'arranger tout seul(car, ship) se redresser∎ come tomorrow - right (you are)! venez demain - d'accord!;∎ right, let's get to work! bon ou bien, au travail!;∎ right (you are) then, see you later bon alors, à plus tard;∎ familiar too right! tu l'as dit!;∎ familiar right on! bravo!7 adverb(a) (in directions) à droite;∎ turn right at the traffic lights tournez à droite au feu (rouge);∎ look right regardez à droite;∎ the party is moving further right le parti est en train de virer plus à droite;∎ familiar right, left and centre (everywhere) de tous les côtés;∎ familiar he owes money right and left or right, left and centre il doit de l'argent à droite et à gauche;∎ familiar they're giving out gifts right and left or right, left and centre ils distribuent des cadeaux à tour de bras∎ if I remember right si je me rappelle bien;∎ he predicted the election results right il a vu juste en ce qui concernait les résultats des élections(c) (properly) bien, comme il faut;∎ the door doesn't shut right la porte ne ferme pas bien;∎ nothing works right in this house! rien ne marche comme il faut dans cette maison!;∎ you're not holding the saw right tu ne tiens pas la scie comme il faut;∎ the top isn't on right le couvercle n'est pas bien mis;∎ if we organize things right, there'll be enough time si nous organisons bien les choses, il y aura assez de temps;∎ I hope things go right for you j'espère que tout ira bien pour toi;∎ nothing is going right today tout va de travers aujourd'hui;∎ he can't do anything right il ne peut rien faire correctement ou comme il faut;∎ do it right the next time! ne vous trompez pas la prochaine fois!;∎ the roast is done just right le rôti est cuit à la perfection∎ the lamp's shining right in my eyes j'ai la lumière de la lampe en plein dans les yeux ou en pleine figure;∎ it's right opposite the post office c'est juste en face de la poste;∎ it's right in front of/behind you c'est droit devant vous/juste derrière vous;∎ he parked right in front of the gate il s'est garé en plein devant le portail;∎ figurative I'm right behind you there je suis entièrement d'accord avec vous là-dessus;∎ I stepped right in it j'ai marché en plein dedans;∎ he shot him right in the forehead il lui a tiré une balle en plein front;∎ the hotel was right on the beach l'hôtel donnait directement sur la plage;∎ it broke right in the middle ça a cassé juste au milieu;∎ I left it right here je l'ai laissé juste ici;∎ stay right there ne bougez pas(e) (emphasizing precise time) juste, exactement;∎ I arrived right at that moment je suis arrivé juste à ce moment-là;∎ right in the middle of the fight au beau milieu de la bagarre∎ it's right at the back of the drawer/at the front of the book c'est tout au fond du tiroir/juste au début du livre;∎ right down to the bottom jusqu'au fond;∎ right at the top tout en haut;∎ a wall right round the house un mur tout autour de la maison;∎ he turned right round il a fait un tour complet;∎ right from the start dès le début;∎ move right over allez jusqu'au fond;∎ his shoes were worn right through ses chaussures étaient usées jusqu'à la corde;∎ the car drove right through the road-block la voiture est passée à travers le barrage;∎ the path leads right to the lake le sentier va jusqu'au lac;∎ the water came right up to the window l'eau est montée jusqu'à la fenêtre;∎ she walked right up to me elle se dirigea tout droit vers moi;∎ we worked right up until the last minute nous avons travaillé jusqu'à la toute dernière minute;∎ figurative that girl is going right to the top cette fille ira loin;∎ figurative you have to go right to the top if you want to get anything done il faut aller tout en haut de la hiérarchie pour arriver à quelque chose(g) (immediately) tout de suite;∎ I'll be right back je reviens tout de suite;∎ I'll be right over je viens tout de suite;∎ I'll be right with you je suis à vous tout de suite;∎ let's talk right after the meeting parlons-en juste après la réunion∎ you did right tu as bien fait;∎ to see sb right (financially) veiller à ce que qn ne soit pas à court d'argent;∎ to do right by sb agir correctement envers qn∎ the Right Reverend William Walker le très révérend William Walker∎ I was right angry j'étais vachement en colère;∎ it's a right cold day ça pince drôlement aujourd'hui, il fait drôlement frisquet aujourd'hui;∎ she was right nice elle était bien aimable;∎ I was right glad to hear it j'étais très heureux de l'apprendreen principe;∎ she ought, by rights, to get compensation en principe, elle devrait toucher une compensation∎ right away, sir! tout de suite, monsieur!;∎ I knew right away there'd be trouble j'ai su tout de suite ou dès le début qu'il y aurait des problèmes(b) (at the moment) pour le moment►► right angle angle m droit;∎ the corridors are at right angles les couloirs sont perpendiculaires;∎ a line at right angles to the base une ligne perpendiculaire à la base;∎ the path made a right angle le sentier formait un coude;Computing right arrow flèche f vers la droite;Computing right arrow key touche f de déplacement vers la droite;British Right Honourable = titre utilisé pour s'adresser à certains hauts fonctionnaires ou à quelqu'un ayant un titre de noblesse;∎ my Right Honourable Friend (form of address in Parliament) mon distingué collègue;∎ the Right Honourable Member for Edinburgh West le député de la circonscription "Edinburgh West";Finance rights issue émission f de nouvelles actions à taux préférentiel;Typography right justification justification f à droite;British right to roam = droit d'emprunter des sentiers sur des terres appartenant à de grands propriétaires terriens;right of way Cars priorité f; (right to cross land) droit m de passage; (path, road) chemin m; American (for power line, railroad etc) voie f;∎ it's your right of way vous avez (la) priorité;∎ to have (the) right of way avoir (la) priorité;Zoology right whale baleine f franche;∎ the right wing of the party l'aile droite du partiⓘ RIGHT TO ROAM Depuis toujours, une très grande partie des plus beaux endroits de la campagne britannique est interdite au public et pendant des siècles, les propriétaires terriens ont tout fait pour que la situation reste inchangée. Cependant, en mai 2000, le gouvernement travailliste introduisit le "right to roam" qui devrait ouvrir aux promeneurs plus d'1,6 million d'hectares de campagne et environ 6400 kilomètres de droits de passage. De nombreux propriétaires terriens ont exprimé leur mécontentement car ils estiment que les promeneurs abîment les cultures et perturbent le bétail mais avec les nouvelles propositions de loi, ils ne pourraient interdire le passage sur leurs terres que 28 jours par an au maximum. -
19 ♦ right
♦ right (1) /raɪt/a.1 giusto; esatto: The right answer is yes, la risposta giusta (o esatta) è sì; What is the right time?, qual è l'ora esatta?; That's right!, giusto! (o esatto!); Let me get this right: you want to leave school and find a job?, fammi capire bene: vuoi lasciare la scuola e trovarti un lavoro?; Is this the right train for Chester?, è il treno giusto per Chester, questo?; Is this the right way for Oxford Circus?, è giusto di qua per Oxford Circus? NOTA D'USO: - ragione-2 giusto; corretto ( moralmente): It is not right of you to blame her, non è giusto che tu dia la colpa a lei; You did the right thing by telling her the truth, hai fatto bene a dirle la verità; It's ( only) right to let him know, è (più che) giusto farglielo sapere; It is ( only) right that they should pay for it, è (più che) giusto che paghino per questo3 ( di persona) che ha ragione; che fa bene: You were right in refusing his offer, hai fatto bene a rifiutare la sua offerta; You were right about him, avevi ragione sul suo conto; Time will prove me right, il tempo mi darà ragione4 a posto; normale: I don't feel right, non mi sento bene; She doesn't look quite right, non sembra che stia molto bene; Something's not right here, c'è qualcosa che non va qui; She had a Caesarean because the baby wasn't in the right position, ha avuto un cesareo perché il bambino non era nella posizione giusta; to put sb. right, rimettere in sesto: Five days' rest will put you right, cinque giorni di riposo ti rimetteranno in salute; Put the clock right!, metti l'orologio all'ora giusta!5 destro; di destra: Show me your right hand, mostrami la mano destra; a right glove, un guanto destro; the right side of the house, il lato destro della casa; ( boxe) a right hook, un gancio destro; «No right turn» ( cartello), «divieto di svolta a destra»6 giusto; adatto: This is the right time to tell him, questo è il momento giusto per dirglielo; at the right moment, al momento giusto (o opportuno); He is the right man in the right place, è l'uomo giusto al posto giusto; She's not right for you, lei non fa per te; He knows the right people, conosce le persone giuste (o la gente che conta)7 (fam., ingl.) vero; vero e proprio: He's a right idiot, è un vero idiota; a right fool, un perfetto stupido; DIALOGO → - Building work- The house is in a right mess, la casa è nel caos totale● (mecc.) right-and-left screw, vite con filettatura doppia □ ( sport) a right-and-left shot, una doppietta ( due fucilate dalle due canne) □ (geom.) right angle, angolo retto □ a right-angled bend, una curva ad angolo retto □ (geom.) a right-angled triangle, un triangolo rettangolo □ (fig.) to give one's right arm, dare qualsiasi cosa: I'd give my right arm to marry her, darei qualsiasi cosa pur di sposarla □ (fam.) (as) right as rain, che sta benissimo; in perfetta salute □ ( calcio, ecc.) right back, terzino destro □ ( rugby) right centre, trequarti centrodestra ( giocatore) □ (comput.) right click, clic destro ( del mouse) □ ( baseball) right fielder, esterno destro □ right foot, piede destro; ( sport) destro □ ( calcio, ecc.) right-foot, di destro: a right-foot cross, un cross di destro □ right-footed, di destro; ( di un giocatore) che usa (solo) il piede destro □ ( sport) right footer, chi calcia di destro; ( calcio, ecc.) destro (il tiro) □ ( calcio, ecc.) right half (o halfback), mediano (o laterale) destro □ at (o on, to) one's right hand, alla propria destra, a destra □ to be at sb. 's right hand, essere alla destra di q.; (fig.) essere il braccio destro di q. □ right-hand, destro, (che sta) a destra, di destra: the right-hand side of the canal, il lato destro del canale; a right-hand bend, una curva a destra; (autom.) right-hand drive (o steering) guida a destra; (fig.) the right-hand man, il braccio destro (di q.); right-hand screw, vite destrorsa; vite con la filettatura destra; ( calcio, ecc.) the right-hand post, il palo di destra ( della porta) □ right-handed, destrimano, che usa la mano destra; ( di un colpo, lancio, ecc.) di destro; (tecn.) destrorso, in senso orario; ( slang USA) eterosessuale: a right-handed blow, un colpo con la destra; ( boxe) un destro □ (mat.) right-handed system, sistema di riferimento destrorso □ right-handed rotation, rotazione in senso orario □ right-handedness, l'essere destrimano, uso della mano destra □ right-hander, destrimano, persona che si serve della mano destra; ( boxe) pugile che porta i colpi col destro; ( anche) destro ( pugno) □ the right heir, l'erede legittimo □ (fam.) not right in the (o in one's) head, non sano di mente; che non ha la testa a posto (fam.) □ (fin.) rights issue, emissione (di azioni) riservata agli azionisti □ (geom.) right-lined, rettilineo □ ( calcio, ecc.) right midfield, settore destro del centrocampo □ ( calcio) right midfielder, centrocampista di destra □ right-minded, equanime; onesto; giusto; ragionevole; retto □ right-mindedness, equanimità; onestà □ (polit.) right-of-centre, di centrodestra □ (fin.) rights offering = rights issue ► sopra □ (fam.) right on, sinistroide; ( USA) giusto, esatto: a right-on journalist, un giornalista sinistroide; She's very right on, si atteggia a intellettuale di sinistra □ (comput.) right shift, scorrimento a destra □ the right side, il verso giusto; il diritto ( di una stoffa, ecc.) □ right side out, al diritto: Your jumper isn't right side out, il tuo golf non è al diritto □ right side up, dritto; non capovolto; a testa in su: In the canal beside the road, right side up, rested a car, nel canale accanto alla strada c'era, dritta, un'auto □ right-thinking, assennato; giudizioso □ ( USA) right triangle = right-angled triangle ► sopra □ right wing, ala destra ( di un esercito, di un partito, ecc.); ( sport: calcio, hockey, ecc.) ala destra, fascia destra ( la posizione); ala destra ( il giocatore); ( rugby) trequarti ala destra □ (polit.) right-wing, di destra; destrorso (spreg.): right-wing extremist, estremista di destra □ right-winger, (polit.) uomo di destra; destrorso (spreg.); ( sport) ala destra ( il giocatore) □ all right, d'accordo; bene ( anche di salute): Is he feeling all right now?, sta bene ora? □ All right!, benissimo! □ not to be in one's right mind (o right senses), non essere sano di mente; non avere la testa a posto □ (fig.) to get on the right side of sb., ingraziarsi q. □ to keep on the right side of the law, rispettare la legge □ (fam.) Mr Right, l'uomo giusto ( per una donna); (il mio, tuo, ecc.) «lui» □ (fam.) Miss Right, la donna giusta ( per un uomo); (la mia, tua, ecc.) «lei» □ to be on the right side of fifty, essere al di sotto della cinquantina; avere meno di 50 anni □ to set right = to put right ► sopra □ to set (o to put) oneself right with sb., giustificarsi, spiegarsi con q. □ to stay on the right side of sb., tenersi buono q. □ Right you are!, (fam.) Right oh! ► righto □ «Thank you!» «That's all right!», «grazie!» «figurati! (o non c'è di che!)» □ All's right with the world, tutto va nel migliore dei modi.♦ right (2) /raɪt/n.1 [u] (il) giusto; (il) bene: to know right from wrong, distinguere il bene dal male; right and wrong, il bene e il male; ciò che è giusto e ciò che è sbagliato; to be in the right, essere nel giusto; aver ragione2 (leg.) diritto; rights and duties, diritti e doveri; He has no right to bully you like that, non ha il diritto di fare il prepotente con te in questo modo; by right (o as of right) di diritto; I am claiming back what was mine by right, chiedo che mi sia restituito quello che era mio di diritto; by right of, per diritto di; What gives you the right to judge me?, che cosa ti dà il diritto di giudicarmi?; legal rights, diritti riconosciuti dalla legge; constitutional rights, diritti costituzionali; equal rights, pari diritti; inalienable rights, diritti inalienabili; the right to work, il diritto al lavoro; right of access, diritto di passaggio; right of association, diritto di associazione; to have a right [every right] to do st., avere il diritto [tutto il diritto] di fare qc.; Rights Management Services ► RMS®; to assert (o to stand on) one's rights, difendere i propri diritti; to exercise one's rights, esercitare i propri diritti; to renounce (o to waive) a right, rinunciare a un diritto3 [u] lato destro; (la) destra; (la) mano destra: to keep to the right, tenere la destra; to turn to the right, svoltare a destra; I parked my car on the right of the street, ho parcheggiato sul lato destro della strada; The woman on his right is his wife, la donna alla sua destra è sua moglie4 svolta a destra: to take [o make] a right, svoltare a destra7 (mil.) ala destra; fianco destro8 – (polit.) destra: The voters have moved to the right, l'elettorato si è spostato a destra; the Right, la destra; a member of the Right, un esponente della destra; ( USA) the New Right, la nuova destra; the extreme (o far) right, l'estrema destra● ( boxe) a right-and-left, un destro doppiato da un sinistro □ (fam.) the right to hire and fire, il diritto di assumere e di licenziare □ (leg.) right in action, diritto immateriale □ (leg.) right in personam, diritto di credito □ (leg.) right in rem, diritto materiale □ (leg.) right of action, diritto di agire in giudizio □ (leg.) right of common, diritto di far uso di un terreno della comunità □ (leg.) right of pre-emption, diritto di prelazione □ (leg.) right of redemption, diritto di riscatto □ (leg.) right of search, diritto di perquisizione ( di una nave in alto mare) □ right of way, (autom.) (diritto di) precedenza; (leg.) diritto (o servitù) di passaggio □ right-to-life, (polit., di un movimento, ecc.) per il diritto alla vita; antiabortista □ right-to-lifer, (polit.) antiabortista; sostenitore del diritto alla vita □ by rights, secondo giustizia; per essere giusti: By rights, he should have won the race, sarebbe stato giusto che vincesse lui la corsa □ to do right by sb., render giustizia a q. □ in one's own right, di diritto; per diritto di nascita; (fig.) per i propri meriti □ to be within one's rights ( to do st.) –: You are within your rights to ask for a refund, è legittimo da parte tua chiedere un rimborso □ to set (o to put) st. to rights, sistemare qc.; mettere a posto qc.: He'll put the country to rights, rimetterà a posto il Paese □ to set (o to put) sb. to rights, rimettere in sesto q. □ to take the first [second, ecc.] right, prendere la prima [la seconda, ecc.] a destra □ women's rights, i diritti delle donne.♦ right (3) /raɪt/avv.1 esattamente; proprio: Put it right in the middle, mettilo esattamente nel centro (o proprio nel mezzo); right here, proprio qui; You're right on time, sei puntualissimo2 bene; correttamente: Everything seems to go right with him, sembra che tutto gli vada bene; If I remember right, se ben ricordo; You did right to tell me, hai fatto bene a dirmelo; to guess right, indovinare; He guessed right the first time, ha indovinato subito3 a destra ( anche polit.); a dritta (lett. o naut.): to turn [to look] right, girare [guardare] a destra4 immediatamente; subito: DIALOGO → - Ordering food 1- I'll be right back, torno subito; I'm going right home, vado dritto a casa; right after [before], subito dopo [prima]; I'll be right with you, sono subito da Lei5 completamente; del tutto: He turned right around, si è girato completamente; It put me right off my food, mi ha fatto passare del tutto l'appetito; right through [up, down, ecc.] – The bullet went right through his arm, la pallottola gli ha attraversato il braccio da una parte all'altra; The cafeteria is right down the stairs, il bar è proprio in fondo alle scale● right along = right on ► sotto □ right and left, a destra e a sinistra; a destra e a manca; da tutte le parti □ right away, immediatamente □ (fam.) right-down clever, bravissimo □ (fam.) a right-down rascal, un furfante matricolato □ right enough, certo; effettivamente □ Right Honourable ► honourable □ right, left and centre = right and left ► sopra □ right now, proprio adesso; immediatamente: What are you doing right now?, cosa stai facendo in questo preciso momento?; Come here right now!, vieni qui subito! □ (fam.) right off (o right off the bat), subito; immediatamente; per primo □ right on, senza interruzione; continuamente □ right or wrong, a ragione o a torto □ ( di vescovo) Right Reverend, reverendissimo □ it serves you [him, her, ecc.] right, ti [gli, le, ecc.] sta bene □ (mil.) Right turn!, fianco destr!; fronte a destr! □ Let me tell you right here that…, lascia che ti dica subito che…; ti dico subito che… □ ( USA) Come right in, avanti!; entra pure! □ ( di soldati in parata) Eyes right!, attenti a destr!♦ right (4) /raɪt/inter.1 (all'inizio di una frase) bene; allora: Right! let's start again!, bene, ricominciamo2 (= all right) (va) bene; d'accordo; (iron.) come no?: «Come tomorrow» «Right! What time?» «Vieni domani» «Bene! a che ora?»; «I told you the truth» «Yeah, right! You really expect me to believe that?», «ti ho detto la verità» «sì, come no? ti aspetti davvero che io ci creda?»3 giusto; vero: I think we all agree about it, right?, penso che siamo tutti d'accordo, giusto? quite right!, proprio così!; esatto!● (fam.) too right!, giustissimo! □ (fam.) right on!, bravo!; sono d'accordissimo!(to) right /raɪt/v. t.raddrizzare ( anche fig.): We righted the boat and started rowing, abbiamo raddrizzato la barca e abbiamo cominciato a remare; to right a wrong, raddrizzare un torto; to right an injustice, riparare un'ingiustizia● to right itself, raddrizzarsi, aggiustarsi: Let's hope things will right themselves in the end, speriamo che tutto s'aggiusti (da sé) alla fine! -
20 right
1. adjective1) (on or related to the side of the body which in most people has the more skilful hand, or to the side of a person or thing which is toward the east when that person or thing is facing north (opposite to left): When I'm writing, I hold my pen in my right hand.) derecho2) (correct: Put that book back in the right place; Is that the right answer to the question?) correcto3) (morally correct; good: It's not right to let thieves keep what they have stolen.) bien4) (suitable; appropriate: He's not the right man for this job; When would be the right time to ask him?) adecuado, apropiado
2. noun1) (something a person is, or ought to be, allowed to have, do etc: Everyone has the right to a fair trial; You must fight for your rights; You have no right to say that.) derecho2) (that which is correct or good: Who's in the right in this argument?) cierto, razón3) (the right side, part or direction: Turn to the right; Take the second road on the right.) derecha4) (in politics, the people, group, party or parties holding the more traditional beliefs etc.) derecha
3. adverb1) (exactly: He was standing right here.) exactamente2) (immediately: I'll go right after lunch; I'll come right down.) inmediatamente3) (close: He was standing right beside me.) justo4) (completely; all the way: The bullet went right through his arm.) totalmente, completamente5) (to the right: Turn right.) a la derecha6) (correctly: Have I done that right?; I don't think this sum is going to turn out right.) bien, correctamente
4. verb1) (to bring back to the correct, usually upright, position: The boat tipped over, but righted itself again.) enderezar2) (to put an end to and make up for something wrong that has been done: He's like a medieval knight, going about the country looking for wrongs to right.) corregir
5. interjection(I understand; I'll do what you say etc: `I want you to type some letters for me.' `Right, I'll do them now.') de acuerdo, bien- righteously
- righteousness
- rightful
- rightfully
- rightly
- rightness
- righto
- right-oh
- rights
- right angle
- right-angled
- right-hand
- right-handed
- right wing
6. adjective((right-wing) (having opinions which are) of this sort.) de derecha- by rights
- by right
- get
- keep on the right side of
- get right
- go right
- not in one's right mind
- not quite right in the head
- not right in the head
- put right
- put/set to rights
- right away
- right-hand man
- right now
- right of way
- serve right
right1 adj1. correctocan you tell me the right time? ¿me puedes decir la hora exacta?is this the High Street? That's right ¿es la Calle Mayor? Así es2. derechoright2 adv1. bien2. a la derechaturn right at the traffic lights en el semáforo, gira a la derecha3. justo / exactamenteright3 n1. derecha2. bien3. derechotr[raɪt]1 (not left) derecho,-a2 (correct) correcto,-a3 (just) justo,-a4 (suitable) apropiado,-a, adecuado,-a■ I don't think he's the right person for the job no creo que sea la persona adecuada para el puesto■ this watch hasn't been right since it was repaired este reloj no ha ido bien desde que lo repararon1 a la derecha, hacia la derecha■ turn right at the traffic lights en el semáforo, gira a la derecha2 (correctly) bien, correctamente3 (exactly) justo4 (well) bueno, bien■ right, I'm going to bed bueno, yo me voy a la cama1 (not left) derecha2 (entitlement) derecho1 corregir2 SMALLMARITIME/SMALL enderezar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLall right! ¡bien!, ¡conforme!, ¡vale!it serves you «(him, etc)» right te (le, etc) está bien empleadoright away en seguidato be right tener razónto get it right acertarto put right arreglar, corregirright and wrong el bien y el malright angle ángulo rectoright wing SMALLPOLITICS/SMALL derecharight ['raɪt] vt1) fix, restore: repararto right the economy: reparar la economía2) straighten: enderezarright adv1) : biento live right: vivir bien2) precisely: precisamente, justoright in the middle: justo en medio3) directly, straight: derecho, directamentehe went right home: fue derecho a casa4) immediately: inmediatamenteright after lunch: inmediatamente después del almuerzo5) completely: completamentehe felt right at home: se sintió completamente cómodo6) : a la derechato look left and right: mirar a la izquierda y a la derecharight adj1) upright: bueno, honradoright conduct: conducta honrada2) correct: correctothe right answer: la respuesta correcta3) appropriate: apropiado, adecuado, debidothe right man for the job: el hombre perfecto para el trabajo4) straight: rectoa right line: una línea recta5) : derechothe right hand: la mano derecha6) sound: bienhe's not in his right mind: no está bien de la cabezaright n1) good: bien mto do right: hacer el bien2) : derecha fon the right: a la derecha4) entitlement: derecho mthe right to vote: el derecho a votarwomen's rights: los derechos de la mujer5)the Right : la derecha (en la política)adj.• acertado, -a adj.• ajustado, -a adj.• correcto, -a adj.• debido, -a adj.• derecho, -a adj.• diestro, -a adj.• enderezado, -a adj.• exacto, -a adj.• justo, -a adj.• lícito, -a adj.adv.• a la derecha adv.• bien adv.• justo adv.• mismo adv.interj.• cabal interj.n.• derechazo s.m.• derecho s.m.• justicia s.f.• privilegio s.m.• razón s.f.v.• adrizar v.• enderezar v.• endrezar v.
I raɪt1) ( correct) <answer/interpretation> correctoare we going in the right direction? — ¿vamos bien?
are you sure this is the right house? — ¿estás seguro de que ésta es la casa or de que es aquí?
did you press the right button? — ¿apretaste el botón que debías?
do you have the right change? — ¿tienes el cambio justo?
do you have the right time? — ¿tienes hora (buena)?
2) ( not mistaken)to be right — \<\<person\>\> tener* razón, estar* en lo cierto; \<\<clock\>\> estar* bien
how right she was! — cuánta razón tenía!, si habrá tenido razón!
to be right ABOUT something/somebody — tener* razón en cuanto a algo/alguien
to be right IN something: am I right in thinking this has happened before? si no me equivoco esto ya había pasado antes ¿no?; to get something right: you got two answers right acertaste dos respuestas; did I get your name right? ¿entendí bien tu nombre?; I guess you're Bobby - that's right! tú tienes que ser Bobby - el mismo! or así es!; two o'clock tomorrow, right? - right! — a las dos mañana ¿de acuerdo? - de acuerdo! or (esp Esp fam) vale!
3) (good, suitable) adecuado, apropiadowere the curtains the right length? — ¿estaban bien de largo las cortinas?
if the price is right — si el precio es razonable, si está bien de precio
4) (just, moral) (pred)to be right — ser* justo
to be right to + inf — hacer* bien en + inf
5) (pred)a) ( in order)it's too quiet: something's not right — hay demasiado silencio, algo pasa
b) (fit, healthy) (colloq) bien6) ( complete) (BrE colloq) (before n)he's a right idiot — es un idiota redomado or de marca mayor
7) ( Math)right angle — ángulo m recto
right triangle — (AmE) triángulo m rectángulo
8) (before n) <side/ear/shoe> derecho
1) (correctly, well) bien, correctamenteI had guessed right — había adivinado, no me había equivocado
nothing goes right for them — todo les sale mal, nada les sale bien
to do right by somebody — portarse bien con alguien; serve I 2)
2)a) (all the way, completely)they kept hoping right up until the last moment — no perdieron las esperanzas hasta el último momento
b) ( directly)it's right in front of you — lo tienes allí delante or (fam) delante de las narices
he was right here/there — estaba aquí mismo/allí mismo
c) ( immediately)3) <turn/look> a la derecha
1)a) c u ( entitlement) derecho mright to something/+ INF — derecho a algo/+ inf
in her/his/its own right: she is Queen in her own right es Reina a título propio or por derecho propio; she is also a composer in her own right ella también es compositora; the title is his by right el título le corresponde a él; by what right? — ¿con qué derecho?
b) rights pl derechos mplto be within one's rights — estar* en su (or mi etc) derecho
2) u c ( what is correct)to know right from wrong — saber* distinguir entre el bien y el mal
to be in the right — tener* razón, llevar la razón, estar* en lo cierto
to put o set something to rights — (esp BrE) arreglar algo
3)a) u ( opposite the left) derecha fthe one on the right — el/la de la derecha
to drive on the right — manejar or (Esp) conducir* por la derecha
on o to my/your right — a mi/tu derecha
b) ( right turn)take the next right — tome or (esp Esp) coja la próxima a la derecha
to make o (BrE) take a right — girar or torcer* or doblar a la derecha
4) u ( Pol)
a) ( set upright) enderezar*b) ( redress) \<\<injustice\>\> reparar
interjection (colloq) bueno!, vale! (Esp fam)[raɪt]1. ADJ1) (=morally good, just) justoit is/seems only right that she should get the biggest share — es/me parece justo que ella reciba la mayor parte, está/me parece bien que ella reciba la mayor parte
it doesn't seem right that his contribution should not be acknowledged — parece injusto que no se reconozca su aportación
it's not right! — ¡no hay derecho!
I thought it right to ask permission first — me pareció conveniente preguntarle antes, pensé que debía preguntarle antes
would it be right for me to ask him? — ¿debería preguntárselo?
it is only right and proper that people should know what is going on — lo suyo es que la gente sepa lo que pasa
to do the right thing, do what is right — hacer lo correcto, actuar correctamente
doing the right thing by a pregnant girlfriend meant marrying her — hacer lo que Dios manda con una novia embarazada significaba casarse con ella
2) (=suitable) [tool, clothes] apropiado, adecuado; [time] oportunoto choose the right moment for sth/to do sth — elegir el momento oportuno para algo/para hacer algo
that's the right attitude! — ¡haces bien!
I haven't got the right clothes for a formal dinner — no tengo ropa apropiada or adecuada para una cena de etiqueta
you're not using the right tool for the job — no estás empleando la herramienta apropiada or adecuada para el trabajo
I don't think he's the right sort of person for you — me parece que no es la persona que te conviene
the balance of humour and tragedy is just right — el equilibrio entre humor y tragedia es perfecto"is there too much salt in it?" - "no, it's just right" — -¿tiene demasiada sal? -no, está en su punto justo
Mr Right — el novio soñado, el marido idealhe knows all the right people — tiene enchufes or (LAm) palanca en todas partes
I just happened to be in the right place at the right time — dio la casualidad de que estaba en el sitio adecuado en el momento adecuado•
if the price is right — si el precio es razonable•
he's on the right side of 40 — tiene menos de 40 años•
to say the right thing — decir lo que hay que decir, tener las palabras justas•
we'll do it when the time is right — lo haremos en el momento oportuno or a su debido tiempo3) (=correct) correcto, exactoright first time! — ¡exactamente!, ¡exacto!
"she's your sister?" - "that's right!" — -¿es tu hermana? -¡eso es! or ¡así es! or ¡exacto!
that's right! it has to go through that hole — ¡eso es! tiene que pasar por ese agujero
she said she'd done it, isn't that right, mother? — dijo que lo había hecho ¿no es así, madre? or ¿a que sí, madre?
you mean he offered to pay? is that right, Harry? — ¿dices que se ofreció a pagar? ¿es eso cierto, Harry?
and quite right too! — ¡y con razón!
am I right for the station? — ¿por aquí se va a la estación?, ¿voy bien (por aquí) para la estación?
right you are! * — ¡vale!, ¡muy bien!•
I was beginning to wonder whether I had the right day — empezaba a preguntarme si me habría equivocado de díayou didn't get it right, so you lose five points — no acertaste or te equivocaste, así que pierdes cinco puntos
let's get it right this time! — ¡a ver si esta vez nos sale bien!
we must get it right this time — esta vez tenemos que hacerlo bien or nos tiene que salir bien
is this the right house? — ¿es esta la casa?•
are you sure you've got the right number? — (Telec) ¿seguro que es ese el número?I'm confused, and I wanted you to put me right — tengo dudas y quisiera que tú me las aclararas
if you tell the story wrong the child will soon put you right — si te equivocas al contar la historia, el niño enseguida te corrige or te saca de tu error
to put a mistake right — corregir or rectificar un error
is this the right road for Segovia? — ¿es este el camino de Segovia?, ¿por aquí se va a Segovia?are we on the right road? — ¿vamos por buen camino?, ¿vamos bien por esta carretera?
it's not the right shade of green — no es el tono de verde que yo busco•
the right side of the fabric — el (lado) derecho de la tela•
is the skirt the right size? — ¿va bien la falda de talla?it's not the right size/length — no vale de talla/de largo
is that the right time? — ¿es esa la hora?
do you have the right time? — ¿tienes hora buena?, ¿sabes qué hora es exactamente?
- get on the right side of sb4) (=in the right)•
to be right — [person] tener razón, estar en lo ciertoyou're quite right, you're dead right * — tienes toda la razón
how right you are! — ¡qué razón tienes!
to be right about sth/sb, you were right about there being none left — tenías razón cuando decías que no quedaba ningunoyou were right about Peter, he's totally unreliable — tenías razón en lo de Peter or con respecto a Peter: no hay quien se fíe de él
am I right in thinking that we've met before? — si no me equivoco ya nos conocemos ¿no?you were right in calling the doctor, it was appendicitis — hiciste bien en llamar al médico, era apendicitis
5) (=in order)I knew something wasn't right when she didn't call as usual — supe que algo no iba bien cuando no llamaba como de costumbre
it will all come right in the end — todo se arreglará al final•
to put sth/sb right, I hope the garage can put the car right — espero que me sepan arreglar el coche en el talleryou've offended her but it's not too late to put things right — la has ofendido pero aún puedes arreglarlo
it's nothing a night's sleep won't put right — no es nada que no se arregle durmiendo toda la noche de un tirón
that's soon put right — eso se arregla fácilmente, eso tiene fácil arreglo
- be/feel as right as rain6) (=not left) derechoI'd give my right arm to know — daría cualquier cosa or todo el oro del mundo por saberlo
7) (Math) [angle] recto8) (Brit)* (as intensifier) (=complete)she made a right mess of it — lo hizo fatal *, le salió un buen churro (Sp) *
Charlieyou're a right one to talk — iro mira quién habla
2. ADV1) (=directly, exactly)•
right away — en seguida, ahora mismo, ahorita (mismo) (Mex, And)•
it happened right before our eyes — ocurrió delante de nuestros propios ojos•
he was standing right in the middle of the road — estaba justo en el centro or (CAm) en el mero centro de la calleshe's busy right now — ahora mismo or justo ahora está ocupada
he could tell right off that I was a foreigner — reconoció de inmediato que yo era extranjero•
to go right on — seguir todo derechoright on! * — † ¡eso es!, ¡de acuerdo!
she should come right out and say so — debería ser clara y decirlo•
it fell right on top of me — me cayó justo encima2) (=immediately) justo, inmediatamente•
I'll do it right after dinner — lo haré justo or inmediatamente después de cenar•
come right in! — ¡ven aquí dentro!3) (=completely)•
their house is right at the end of the street — su casa está justo al final de la calleshe was a very active old lady, right to the end — fue una anciana muy activa hasta el final
to push sth right in — meter algo hasta el fondo•
there is a fence right round the house — hay una valla que rodea la casa por completo•
he filled it right up — lo llenó del todo4) (=correctly) bien, correctamenteyou did right to/not to invite them — hiciste bien en invitarlos/en no invitarlos
if I remember right — si mal no recuerdo, si no me falla la memoria
it's him, right enough! — ¡seguro que es él!
5) (=fairly)•
to do right by sb — portarse como es debido con algn•
don't worry about the pay, John will see you right — no te preocupes por el sueldo, John se encargará de que te paguen lo que te correspondeserve•
to treat sb right — tratar bien a algn6) (=properly, satisfactorily) bien7) (=not left) a la derecha•
eyes right! — (Mil) ¡vista a la derecha!•
to turn right — torcer a la derechaleft II, 1., 1)right (about) turn! — ¡media vuelta a la derecha!
8) (as linker)right, who's next? — a ver, ¿quién va ahora?
right then, let's begin! — ¡empecemos, pues!
9) (in titles)3. N1) (=what is morally right, just)•
by rights the house should go to me — lo suyo or lo propio es que la casa me correspondiera a mí•
to be in the right — tener razón, estar en lo ciertowrong 3.to set or put the world to rights — arreglar el mundo
2) (=prerogative) derecho mthey have a right to privacy — tienen derecho a la or su intimidad
people have the right to read any kind of material they wish — la gente tiene derecho a leer lo que desee
what gives you the right or what right have you got to criticize me? — ¿qué derecho tienes tú a criticarme?
who gave you the right to come in here? — ¿quién te ha dado permiso para entrar aquí?
as of right — por derecho propio•
by right of — por or en razón deby what right do you make all the decisions? — ¿con qué derecho tomas tú todas las decisiones?
abode, assembly, exercise, reserve 2., 1)•
to own sth in one's own right — poseer algo por derecho propio•
insist on your legal rights — hazte valer tus derechos legales•
they don't have voting rights — no tienen derecho al voto or de voto•
to be (well) within one's rights — estar en su derechoyou'd be well within your rights to refuse to cooperate — estarías en tu derecho a negarte a cooperar
women's rights — derechos de la mujerall rights reserved — es propiedad, reservados todos los derechos
4) (=not left) derecha f•
reading from right to left — leyendo de derecha a izquierda•
to keep to the right — (Aut) circular por la derecha•
our house is the second on the right — nuestra casa es la segunda a or de la derecha•
on or to my right — a mi derecha5) (Pol)to be on or to the right of sth/sb — (Pol) estar a la derecha de algo/algn
he's further to the right than I am — es más de derecha or (Sp) de derechas que yo
6) (=right turn)to take or make a right — girar a la derecha
7) (Boxing) (=punch) derechazo m; (=right hand) derecha f4.VT (=put straight) [+ crooked picture] enderezar; (=correct) [+ mistake] corregir; [+ injustice] reparar; (=put right way up) [+ vehicle, person] enderezar•
he tried to right himself but the leg was broken — intentó ponerse de pie pero tenía la pierna rota•
to right a wrong — deshacer un agravio, reparar un daño5.CPDright angle N — ángulo m recto
to be at right angles (to sth) — estar en or formar ángulo recto (con algo)
right back N — (Sport) (=player) lateral mf derecho(-a); (=position) lateral m derecho
right half N — (Sport) medio m (volante) derecho
rights issue N — emisión f de acciones
right-to-liferight to life N — derecho m a la vida
right triangle (US) N — triángulo m rectángulo
right turn N —
to take or make a right turn — (Aut) girar a la derecha; (Pol) dar un giro a la derecha
right wing N — (Pol) derecha f; right-wing; (Sport) (=position) ala f derecha
* * *
I [raɪt]1) ( correct) <answer/interpretation> correctoare we going in the right direction? — ¿vamos bien?
are you sure this is the right house? — ¿estás seguro de que ésta es la casa or de que es aquí?
did you press the right button? — ¿apretaste el botón que debías?
do you have the right change? — ¿tienes el cambio justo?
do you have the right time? — ¿tienes hora (buena)?
2) ( not mistaken)to be right — \<\<person\>\> tener* razón, estar* en lo cierto; \<\<clock\>\> estar* bien
how right she was! — cuánta razón tenía!, si habrá tenido razón!
to be right ABOUT something/somebody — tener* razón en cuanto a algo/alguien
to be right IN something: am I right in thinking this has happened before? si no me equivoco esto ya había pasado antes ¿no?; to get something right: you got two answers right acertaste dos respuestas; did I get your name right? ¿entendí bien tu nombre?; I guess you're Bobby - that's right! tú tienes que ser Bobby - el mismo! or así es!; two o'clock tomorrow, right? - right! — a las dos mañana ¿de acuerdo? - de acuerdo! or (esp Esp fam) vale!
3) (good, suitable) adecuado, apropiadowere the curtains the right length? — ¿estaban bien de largo las cortinas?
if the price is right — si el precio es razonable, si está bien de precio
4) (just, moral) (pred)to be right — ser* justo
to be right to + inf — hacer* bien en + inf
5) (pred)a) ( in order)it's too quiet: something's not right — hay demasiado silencio, algo pasa
b) (fit, healthy) (colloq) bien6) ( complete) (BrE colloq) (before n)he's a right idiot — es un idiota redomado or de marca mayor
7) ( Math)right angle — ángulo m recto
right triangle — (AmE) triángulo m rectángulo
8) (before n) <side/ear/shoe> derecho
1) (correctly, well) bien, correctamenteI had guessed right — había adivinado, no me había equivocado
nothing goes right for them — todo les sale mal, nada les sale bien
to do right by somebody — portarse bien con alguien; serve I 2)
2)a) (all the way, completely)they kept hoping right up until the last moment — no perdieron las esperanzas hasta el último momento
b) ( directly)it's right in front of you — lo tienes allí delante or (fam) delante de las narices
he was right here/there — estaba aquí mismo/allí mismo
c) ( immediately)3) <turn/look> a la derecha
1)a) c u ( entitlement) derecho mright to something/+ INF — derecho a algo/+ inf
in her/his/its own right: she is Queen in her own right es Reina a título propio or por derecho propio; she is also a composer in her own right ella también es compositora; the title is his by right el título le corresponde a él; by what right? — ¿con qué derecho?
b) rights pl derechos mplto be within one's rights — estar* en su (or mi etc) derecho
2) u c ( what is correct)to know right from wrong — saber* distinguir entre el bien y el mal
to be in the right — tener* razón, llevar la razón, estar* en lo cierto
to put o set something to rights — (esp BrE) arreglar algo
3)a) u ( opposite the left) derecha fthe one on the right — el/la de la derecha
to drive on the right — manejar or (Esp) conducir* por la derecha
on o to my/your right — a mi/tu derecha
b) ( right turn)take the next right — tome or (esp Esp) coja la próxima a la derecha
to make o (BrE) take a right — girar or torcer* or doblar a la derecha
4) u ( Pol)
a) ( set upright) enderezar*b) ( redress) \<\<injustice\>\> reparar
interjection (colloq) bueno!, vale! (Esp fam)
См. также в других словарях:
not right in the head — not in your right mind/not right in the head/informal phrase crazy He’s never been quite right in the head. Thesaurus: crazy or sillysynonym Main entry: right * * * … Useful english dictionary
not right — index errant, improper Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
not right — Synonyms and related words: aberrant, abnormal, abroad, adrift, all abroad, all off, all wrong, amiss, askew, astray, at fault, awry, bereft of reason, beside the mark, brainsick, corrupt, crackbrained, cracked, crazed, crazy, daft, deceptive,… … Moby Thesaurus
It's Not Right but It's Okay — Single infobox Name = It s Not Right but It s Okay Artist = Whitney Houston from Album = My Love Is Your Love Released = January 25, 1999 Format = CD single, 12 single Recorded = 1998 Genre = Soul, R B Length = 4:52 Label = Arista Writer =… … Wikipedia
NOT RIGHT — … Useful english dictionary
Right — Right, n. [AS. right. See {Right}, a.] 1. That which is right or correct. Specifically: (a) The straight course; adherence to duty; obedience to lawful authority, divine or human; freedom from guilt, the opposite of moral wrong. (b) A true… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
not in your right mind — not in your right mind/not right in the head/informal phrase crazy He’s never been quite right in the head. Thesaurus: crazy or sillysynonym Main entry: right … Useful english dictionary
Right — Right, adv. 1. In a right manner. [1913 Webster] 2. In a right or straight line; directly; hence; straightway; immediately; next; as, he stood right before me; it went right to the mark; he came right out; he followed right after the guide. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Right along — Right Right, adv. 1. In a right manner. [1913 Webster] 2. In a right or straight line; directly; hence; straightway; immediately; next; as, he stood right before me; it went right to the mark; he came right out; he followed right after the guide … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Right away — Right Right, adv. 1. In a right manner. [1913 Webster] 2. In a right or straight line; directly; hence; straightway; immediately; next; as, he stood right before me; it went right to the mark; he came right out; he followed right after the guide … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Right honorable — Right Right, adv. 1. In a right manner. [1913 Webster] 2. In a right or straight line; directly; hence; straightway; immediately; next; as, he stood right before me; it went right to the mark; he came right out; he followed right after the guide … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English